How Important Is Original Content for SEO?


An article should be accurate, interesting and appealing to a reader. It should contain original content, be informative, engage your readers, and have them returning for more. So how important is original content? If your subject matter or content is original it will stand out from other articles and a reader’s interest is more likely to be retained.

The design of the site or article may contain original fancy graphics and be visually appealing, but without original content there would be no advantage or enjoyment for a reader. Ideally you want the reader to be entertained, informed and most importantly you want them to return. Preferably refer your site to whoever they would like to.

It is important to connect to your readers, to satisfy them so they will stay or return to see what else you may have to offer. You want them to read something they have not read elsewhere, and to build a reputation based on the content your articles have to offer. After all, what is the point of a writer going to the effort of writing an article that no one wants to read? A professional copywriter will help you best in this regard to achieve desired results.

Perhaps the idea is not original, or a writer may need to convey a common subject. So how can a writer ensure original content for an old idea without engaging in plagiarism? This is where the writer’s flair, personality, creativity and even humour can be invaluable. If appropriate, adding a bit of humour can see a reader appreciate an old subject in a new light.

Original content is something that search engines like the most. Along with originality of content the quality is also important. When there is a lot of original content in a particular site, one way link pointing to the site increases manifold. When a particular article is interesting and of original content, the reader will automatically notice it and make a link to it. This will boost the author’s presence on the search engine.

So how important is original content? Lots, if it is for SEO then Extremely. You want your readers to be well entertained and informed. You want to provide an article that is engaging. You want content to stand out from other articles. You want to build a reputation for original quality content. You want your readers to keep returning.


Source by Harry Sun

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