The First Steps To Building A Profitable List


If you want to be successful, you must do everything within your power to reach that goal. You can’t sit in front of your computer with no idea what to do, complaining of not obtaining the profits you desire. You need to actually work by investing enough time, money and effort if you expect results.

But how do you start?

You must first choose a niche and then drill down to a profitable sub niche. This can be done by first deciding what niche you want to build your business around. This could be something you are passionate about, something you are interested in, or something you want to learn more. Don’t rule out a niche just because you know nothing about it as you will learn as you research and build your business.

However, do not choose a niche just because it is profitable as you will soon find it tedious to build a business around something you have no interest at all in. You will need to force yourself to create products, write articles and market that business.

Next go to Google AdWords Keyword Tool to find a profitable sub niche. Enter a budget of $10 per day. Choose United States & Canada as your location.

Next enter your chosen niche as a keyword. Click on the ‘More Like This’ button’ Then look at what other keywords are displayed. These will be your sub niches. Click on the ‘More Like This’ Button for even more keywords.

Look to see how popular each keyword is. Choose one that has at least 10,000 search results as these will be niches people are interested in.

Once you know what sub niche you want to build your business around, you will need to do more research in order to find out what problems people are currently experiencing and what people are talking about.

Do this by joining forums in your niche and reading what people are talking about. Look at the titles of books on sites such as Amazon and ClickBank. If someone has written a book on the subject, they have done research and found that topic to be more than likely a profitable one. Go to a couple of article directories and read a few articles in your chosen niche.

Now create a lead magnet also known as an ethical bribe that you can giveaway at no cost to entice people to join your list. This lead magnet should tell someone what to do but not how to do it. Your paid product will do that!

Set up a squeeze page with a compelling headline, a sentence or two as an introduction, a couple of bulleted benefits found inside your lead magnet and a strong call to action.

Drive traffic to your squeeze page using either free or paid methods.

Continually split text everything including your headline, bulleted points, colors, the text on your call to action button, graphics, etc. to discover what performs best.


Source by Donna L Walsh

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