White Hat SEO Methods Explained


When it comes to white hat SEO marketing methods there are quite a few to choose from, it’s important that you explore some of the methods and understand each of them so that you can make an educated decision on which you would like to try. Each SEO method will differ in the results it brings you and depending on how much effort you put into the technique, but they are all proven white hat methods which do work if done correctly. It’s a much better idea to perform white hat SEO rather than any black hat SEO methods as the more unethical methods will end up squandering all your marketing attempts and eventually your website will lose it’s rankings and traffic. In order to secure your listings and rankings, and make Google see your website as important, professional and ethical you must follow the white hat SEO rules.

One method of white hat SEO is article marketing. Article marketing has been around for some time and it’s still as effective as it was the day it began. Article marketing consists of articles being written, then distributed to online article directories. Each article when submitted will consist of a title, body, summary and resource box. In your article body and in the resource box you can enter a link pointing back to your website, this is called a backlink. The idea is that you create many articles and submit the same article to as many article directories as possible, this will get you traffic in two ways. One is that visitors will see your article, read it and then if they like it click through to your website through the backlink. The second way is that all the backlinks you create will cause your websites ranking to increase and go up the listings. Article directories tend to have a good page rank number, therefore you’ll be getting high quality backlinks to your site, a white hat SEO must.

In a similar fashion to article marketing, bookmarking and press releases are a great way to utilize white hat SEO. Bookmarking is simply entering a URL into a social bookmarking website, this could be the URL of your site or an article you write. These bookmarks will create backlinks and also receive traffic through natural visitors. Press releases are submitted in the same way that articles are, except instead of using article directories, press releasing sites are used instead. These all contribute to your overall SEO score with Google and listings. These methods create an army of backlinks and improve your websites organic ranking, plus they get traffic from the natural sources of the directories you submit too.


Source by Alfred A Johnson

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